Real Time Dynamic Analysis of Solar PV Integration for Energy Optimization

Kenneth Okedu, Abdulaziz Salem AlSenaidi, Imaduddin Al Hajri, Issa Al Rashdi, Waleed Al Salmani


Currently, electricity production in Oman depend on non-renewable energy resources such as oil and gas. However, there are some limitations and challenges using these sources, as they are non-renewable energy resources, they may not be available in the future. Besides, they are harmful to the environment and contribute to global warming. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the use of renewable energy resources like solar energy for electricity generation, because they require are clean and ecofriendly. Oman is one of the most important countries in the world for the real application of solar energy as it has appropriate geographical and environmental characteristics. This study considered real time dynamic analysis of integrating solar PV in the Sultanate of Oman grid network. The analysis was done for three periods considering the months in the begining, middle and end of the considered year of the study. The meteoroligical monitoring system for solar PV plants platform was used for the analysis of the various variables of the solar grid connected network. The obtained results show that the power generated and consumed using the solar PV differ throughout the year and this could help for future load forecast and properly optimize the use of power.



Renewable energy; solar PV; grid network; solar power; loads

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